
DNC Kicks Off Convention with Virtue Signaling on Tribal Lands and Biden Reelection Push

The Democratic National Convention is set to kick off in Chicago this week, but the location choice has a rather self-righteous twist. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has seen fit to announce that their gathering will be held on the very lands of tribal nations. This declaration appears prominently on the first page of their 92-page platform, cleverly highlighting a narrative that does little more than underline the left’s penchant for virtue-signaling.

Acknowledging these tribal lands certainly contributes to the Democrats’ ongoing narrative of condemning Western civilization for the supposed sins of oppression. This knee-jerk approach elevates the leftists to the status of moral paragons while labeling anyone who doesn’t fit their intersectional criteria—namely conservatives and Republicans—as relics of oppression. Such posturing resonates with the works of the late Allan Bloom, who warned the society of a growing ideology based on guilt and self-loathing rather than constructive dialogue.

The DNC’s lavish expressions of respect towards Indigenous peoples only serve as a smokescreen for their aggrandized sense of moral superiority. As the convention kicks off, Democrats want everyone to know that they’ve come together to express their values on lands that were once home to original inhabitants. So, the praise of tribal ancestors rolls off their tongues like candy at a parade, all while they high-five themselves for addressing historical grievances rather than discussing real issues like crime, inflation, or energy independence.

The platform also heralds some dubious Democratic achievements, such as the supposed triumph of the Prairie Band of the Potawatomi Nation in becoming the first federally recognized Tribal Nation in Illinois in over a century. The details surrounding this recognition are tangled with the larger issue of government bureaucracy and political posturing. The DNC’s statement may seem like a big win, but it largely signals a game of semantics instead of a genuine commitment to the welfare of these tribes.

Amid the lofty acknowledgments, the convention will staunchly support President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign—surprise, surprise. The language is replete with mentions of Biden’s second term, framing the upcoming election as not merely a continuation but as an essential quest to “finish the job.” Given that the job at hand seems more about recycling failed policies than addressing America’s pressing concerns, it’s no wonder the left could use some distraction. After all, who could pay attention to rising gas prices when they can admire their reflection in the glassy eyes of intersectional advocacy?

Written by Staff Reports

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