
DOJ Snuggles Up to SPLC Hate Mongers, Targets Parents

In a surprising revelation, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has been exposed for its alignment with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a group known for its radical left-wing stance. Through damning emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, it has come to light that the DOJ willingly engaged in a briefing titled “Year in Hate and Extremism” conducted by the SPLC. During this briefing, the SPLC shamelessly labeled Moms for Liberty, an organization advocating for parental rights, as a “reactionary anti-student inclusion” and “anti-government extremist” group. This association raises serious concerns.

The SPLC has a notorious history of branding mainstream conservative organizations as “hate” groups or “extremists,” with Moms for Liberty being the latest victim of their baseless accusations. Equating Moms for Liberty to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, the SPLC's rhetoric reaches new levels of absurdity. Additionally, the SPLC suggested that groups like Moms for Liberty are attempting to forge connections with far-right politicians and normalize opposition to inclusive education, a claim devoid of evidence or substance.

Even more alarming is the blatant collaboration between the DOJ and the SPLC, with the former readily accepting the briefing without reservation. Despite the SPLC’s track record of unfounded smears and sensational claims, the DOJ engaged in discussions about targeting parents advocating for their children’s education, betraying a lack of discernment and integrity.

The SPLC’s briefing further insinuated that Moms for Liberty’s efforts to safeguard children from inappropriate school content were somehow anti-LGBTQ rights—a gross distortion of their noble mission. In response, Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, rightfully condemned the SPLC as a “hate machine” and denounced the government’s use of its platform to suppress concerned parents. Justice emphasized that Moms for Liberty is merely exercising their rights as concerned citizens to address troubling trends in public education.

Moreover, the Department of Education under the Biden administration has been monitoring Moms for Liberty, indicating a troubling pattern of targeting parental advocates. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has initiated legal action against government agencies involved in collaborating with the SPLC to vilify Moms for Liberty. This egregious misuse of power underscores the lengths to which the radical left and its allies in government will go to silence dissenting voices.

It is evident that there is a concerted effort by the radical left to demonize concerned parents as extremists and quash opposition to their agenda. The brazen alliance between the DOJ and the SPLC serves as the latest example of the left’s relentless assault on conservative principles and ordinary Americans. The struggle for parental rights and against governmental overreach remains ongoing, and vigilant advocacy is imperative to preserve fundamental liberties.

Written by Staff Reports

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