
Elton John Defies TDS Mob: Praises Trump, Triggers Libs!

Looks like we’ve got a little dose of common sense and humor from none other than the legendary Elton John. In a sea of Trump-bashing celebrities, the Rocket Man himself had some surprisingly positive things to say about our former president, Donald J. Trump. You can almost hear the collective gasps from the liberal elites and mainstream media!

Despite the left’s desperate attempts to paint Trump as the ultimate villain, Elton John wasn’t taking the bait. When asked about Trump’s use of his hit song “Rocket Man” in reference to Kim Jong Un, instead of launching into a tirade of anti-Trump rhetoric, Elton laughed it off and gave credit where credit was due. Bravo, Elton, for not succumbing to the pressure to toe the liberal line!

It’s refreshing to see someone like Elton John, a true living legend, show some decency and rationality in the face of the relentless anti-Trump hysteria that has engulfed the entertainment industry. While other so-called celebrities have jumped on the Trump-hate bandwagon, Elton John chose to keep it accurate and not deny the positive interactions he’s had with Donald Trump in the past.

Please leave it to Elton to bring a little dose of normalcy and humor into a conversation that is usually filled with abuse and division. His refusal to engage in the typical celebrity Trump-bashing may have just triggered the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) crowd. Still, hey, sometimes a little laughter and humanity is all we need in these politically charged times.

Kudos to Elton John for standing tall and not bowing down to the pressure to conform to the liberal narrative. Maybe, just maybe, his response will remind others in the entertainment industry that it’s okay to have a different opinion and not vilify someone for the sake of fitting in with the crowd. Just another reason to love the Rocket Man!

Written by Staff Reports

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