
Establishment Media Critiques Biden Debate Performance Sparks Calls for New Nominee

President Joe Biden’s debate performance on Thursday was torn to shreds by the establishment media, who couldn’t help but critique his mumbling and raspy delivery. It seemed like Biden struggled to keep his thoughts straight, prompting some to call for him to bow out of the race and leave the Democratic nomination up for grabs at the convention. Even the liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof couldn’t help but express his disappointment in Biden’s display.

The contrast between Biden and former President Donald Trump was highlighted by CNN’s Kasie Hunt, with many Democrats apparently in a state of shock watching the debate. The concerns over Biden’s ability to finish a second term were made abundantly clear, with a significant portion of swing state voters doubting his capacity to do so. This has left Democrats in a precarious position, with their hopes of defeating Trump dwindling by the minute.

Calls for Biden to step down and make way for a new Democratic nominee have been reverberating through the media, with suggestions that it is time for Biden to enjoy his retirement. The sentiment that Democrats need a fresh face to lead the charge in the upcoming election is gaining traction, as more and more individuals express disillusionment with Biden’s performance.

While Trump may be seen as the expected winner of the debate, it appears that the results may not sway voters’ intentions significantly. Polls indicate that a substantial portion of the electorate believes Trump will emerge victorious in November, casting further doubt on Biden’s ability to secure a second term. The pressure is mounting on the Democratic camp to reevaluate their strategy and potentially pivot towards a more viable candidate.

In the midst of the chaos, voices from both sides of the political spectrum are sounding the alarm over Biden’s performance and its implications for the upcoming election. With concerns over Biden’s health and capacity to lead swirling, the Democratic Party faces a critical juncture in deciding its path forward.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s Debate Struggles Spark Panic Within Democratic Party