
FBI Busted: Top Brass Approved Catholic Surveillance!

Well, well, well, it looks like Judicial Watch has done it again! Those rascals over at the FBI have been caught red-handed targeting Catholics, and Judicial Watch is the hero we all need to thank for exposing this scandal. They requested some juicy FBI files through the Freedom of Information Act, and what they got back was enough to make your blood boil. A whopping 98 pages of heavily redacted documents were handed over, and boy, oh boy, do they paint a damning picture of the FBI’s attitudes toward investigating Catholics.

Tom Fitton, the President of Judicial Watch, didn’t hold back when he called out the FBI for their shady behavior. He pointed out that these documents totally blow the FBI’s feeble excuse out of the water. They were claiming that the surveillance of Catholics was just a little project in one tiny corner of the FBI, but these files show that it was actually approved by some big shots in the agency. Tom Fitton didn’t mince words when he said that this should trigger a criminal inquiry into what he’s dubbing the “Biden FBI scandal.”

And if that wasn’t enough, a leaked FBI intelligence document revealed that the agency was suspicious of Catholics whom it labeled as “radical-traditionalist Catholics.” Who knew that being traditional could get you in so much hot water with the FBI?

Some folks like FBI Director Christopher Wray tried to downplay the significance of this leaked document, but Judicial Watch is having none of that. They’ve been shouting from the rooftops that the FBI was targeting Catholics as “violent extremists” and that this undercover operation was widespread. The House Judiciary Committee even jumped on the bandwagon, confirming that multiple FBI field offices were in cahoots to target traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Can you believe the nerve of these feds?

But wait, there’s more! The juicy details in these documents go on and on. It turns out that the Southern Poverty Law Center was busy identifying nine radical traditionalist Catholic groups as hate groups. Can you believe that? The FBI even suggested reaching out to churches visited by these Catholics to “sensitize” them to the so-called “warning signs of radicalization.” It’s like something straight out of a spy movie!

Former congressman Tim Huelskamp, who’s now a Senior Advisor to CatholicVote, didn’t hold back either. He called out FBI Director Wray and Attorney General Garland for their blatant lies and accused the FBI of authorizing undercover agents to infiltrate Catholic parishes. He even suggested that this anti-Catholic program may still be ongoing. The nerve!

This scandal is a disgrace, and it deserves every ounce of outrage it’s getting. The FBI was caught with its hand in the cookie jar, and the American people deserve to know the truth about this blatant attack on their civil liberties. The Biden administration better buckle up because they’ve got some explaining to do. And thank goodness for Judicial Watch for being the fearless warriors exposing this deep state treachery. Keep an eye on these guys because they’re not afraid to dig up the dirt and hold the swamp creatures accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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