
Franklin Graham Claims Divine Intervention Saved Trump from Assassin

In Butler, Pennsylvania, this past weekend, Franklin Graham electrified a crowd of Republican delegates with what many are calling divine news: God saved Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet. According to Graham, the president’s brush with death wasn’t just a stroke of luck but an act of divine intervention. Who needs Secret Service when you’ve got divine backup?

Graham, who helms the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and is the son of the legendary preacher Billy Graham, declared this miracle to the enthusiastic audience, telling them the U.S. is in trouble and what it really needs is a good dose of God. According to him, it’s not just a political battle we’re facing but a spiritual one too. So much for separation of church and state, when God’s allegedly stepping in to save America’s favorite former president.

In a move that should surprise no one, Graham led the convention in a heartfelt prayer for Trump, asking the Almighty to keep those pesky enemies at bay. This wasn’t just a sermon; it was the grand finale of a convention where Trump was elevated to nearly messianic status. Luck? No, no, this was divine scheduling. 


Speakers at the event seemed to agree that this was no mere coincidence. The message was clear: God isn’t done with Trump yet. Apparently, the Big Guy Upstairs has penciled Trump in for some future plans. If you’re thinking of running for office, you better hope you’ve been saying your prayers, because divine endorsement is on the rise.

Convention delegates echoed this sentiment, expressing that they too saw a heavenly hand at work in Trump’s close call. It’s a good time to be on Team Trump when you’ve got divine intervention making sure your rallies stay bullet-free.

Graham made sure everyone knew he was speaking as a private citizen, though his long-standing support for Trump is no secret. This blending of the evangelical with the political is nothing new but serves as a reminder of where many conservatives see the true power lying—both in the Oval Office and above.

Written by Staff Reports

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