
Grilled at the Border: Speaker Puts Brennan on Blast for Bias

Sunday’s edition of “Face the Nation” featured a sit-down between CBS moderator Margaret Brennan and House Speaker Mike Johnson. The setting? None other than the U.S.-Mexico border! But hold onto your hats, folks, because there’s more drama here than a Mexican soap opera. You see, Brennan decided to throw some curveballs at Speaker Johnson, and let’s just say she didn’t exactly hit a home run.

Instead of focusing on the border crisis, Brennan grilled Speaker Johnson about him being an “election denier.” According to CBS’s so-called “editorial standards,” if you so much as question the 2020 election, you’re automatically branded with a scarlet “D” for denier. What a load of malarkey!

But Speaker Johnson wasn’t about to let Brennan’s shoddy journalism slide. When she brought up the Texas amicus brief from 2021, the Speaker called her out for not doing her homework. He asked her if she even bothered to read the darn brief before trying to come at him like a spider monkey. And what was Brennan’s response? Oh, just that she had read some “criticisms” of the brief. Seriously, Margaret? That’s like saying you know all about a movie because you read some snarky reviews online!

And get this, folks: CBS’s “editorial standards” for calling out so-called “election deniers” conveniently only apply to those who question Biden’s victory in 2020. What about the Democrats who cried foul over the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections? Are they getting slapped with the denier label? Of course not! It’s like the rules don’t apply to them. What a bunch of baloney!

So, there you have it, folks. Another round of biased questioning and selective labeling by the mainstream media. But hey, at least Speaker Johnson didn’t let Brennan off the hook. Maybe next time she’ll actually read the brief before trying to take someone to the mat.

Written by Staff Reports

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