
Hamas Hypocrisy Exposed: Terror Leader’s Lavish Visa Binge Revealed

Israeli forces discovered the credit card of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh while clearing out Hamas strongholds in Gaza, and boy, oh boy, did they hit the jackpot. It turns out the man has been living the high life with some significant charges on his Visa card. The expired card was a little treasure trove of information, providing a peek into the lavish lifestyle of the Hamas elite at the expense of the suffering civilian population. As if we needed any more evidence of the corrupt and callous nature of this terrorist organization!

Not only did Haniyeh splurge with his credit card, but his son Moaz Haniyeh was also caught making luxury purchases totaling around $25,000 in jewelry. That’s equivalent to about two years’ wages for an average Gazan. The audacity and greed of these Hamas leaders know no bounds.

And let’s not forget the irony of the situation. While credit card companies like Visa have been quick to scrutinize and track American gun owners, they seem to have no qualms about extending lines of credit to genocidal Islamic terrorists like Haniyeh. It’s a classic case of misplaced priorities and double standards. The same companies that wanted to snoop on law-abiding gun owners are turning a blind eye to terrorists living it up on credit.

In fact, Visa was part of a group of credit card companies that had plans to monitor the purchases of American gun owners, which essentially amounted to a sneaky attempt at creating a gun registry. While that plan was thankfully scrapped, it’s alarming to see the woke left’s priorities at play here. It’s a reminder that the safety and rights of law-abiding citizens seem to take a back seat when it comes to the radical agenda of the left.

The discovery of Haniyeh’s credit card is just another glaring example of the corrupt and hypocritical practices of Hamas, and it serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by radical terrorist organizations. It’s high time we put an end to this madness and hold these terrorists accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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