
Harris Struggles to Land Blows on Confident Trump in First 2024 Debate

Kamala Harris took to the stage in the first presidential debate of 2024, hoping to deliver a knockout blow to Donald Trump. Instead, viewers witnessed a display reminiscent of a theatrical performance, with Harris occasionally managing to stir the pot but failing to generate any real momentum. The event unfolded in Philadelphia, where the stakes were high but the delivery was lackluster.

Throughout the debate, Harris prided herself on recalling lines like a seasoned actress, although there were plenty of moments when she might have preferred a scriptwriter. She accused Trump of hosting boring rallies that supposedly left attendees droning off to greener pastures, providing her with the chance to stretch her legs at the same time. Meanwhile, in classic Trump form, the former president took a detour from policy discussions to defend the energy and enthusiasm he garners from supporters, seemingly unfazed by Harris’s jabs.

On the topic of immigration, Trump displayed his signature candor when dodging difficult questions. Rather than engaging meaningfully with the query, he pointed out that Harris couldn’t rally people to her events without a little creative accounting—essentially implying her supporters were there by less-than-honorable means. Thus, the immigration discussion melted away, only to be replaced by Trump’s reminders of his own popular rallies and supporters.

Things got heated when the moderators appeared to back Harris, giving her a cozy platform to speak while Trump faced fact-checks reminiscent of a high school debate club. One fact-check was particularly telling: moderators insisted that no state allows for the abortion of babies post-birth while conveniently omitting that some states—namely Minnesota, Harris’s home turf—have seen disturbing practices related to surviving infants. Selective fact-checking much?

For those still awake by the time Trump transitioned into his well-rehearsed rants about bizarre incidents involving immigrants in Ohio, there were plenty of chuckles to be had. His anecdote about Haitian illegal immigrants purportedly munching on local pets certainly ruffled feathers, but it served as a stark reminder of the bizarre and often dangerous reality unfolding across the country. And let’s not forget his cheeky adaptation of Harris’s previous debate line—“I’m talking now, if you don’t mind, please”—which likely stirred a few chuckles among conservative viewers remembering her 2020 faceoff with Mike Pence.

As the dust settled, Trump effectively posed a question that left Harris speechless: after three and a half years as vice president, where was the change she had promised? In a stunning move, he reframed her glossy rhetoric back onto her lap, questioning her track record instead of his. The debate concluded with both sides declaring victory, but one has to wonder who truly won the night. While Trump’s camp celebrated what they deemed a “masterful” performance, Harris’s team was already chomping at the bit for a second go-around. If only they could just get it together before the next round.

Written by Staff Reports

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