
Hawley Shreds Biden’s Absurd EV Mandates: America’s Loss, China’s Gain!

David Turk, Biden’s Deputy Secretary of Energy, had a rough day on Capitol Hill as he faced off against Senator Josh Hawley. And let me tell you, it was a sight to behold! Hawley ripped apart Biden’s ludicrous electric vehicle mandates with such precision that Turk must have felt like he ran into a brick wall.

Hawley wasted no time in exposing the folly of Biden’s climate agenda. He started by asking Turk a simple question: which nation accounts for 60 percent of the world’s electric vehicle production? Let me give you a hint, folks: it’s not the United States. It’s China! The same China that steals our intellectual property, abuses human rights, and wants to dominate the world. And yet, Biden wants two-thirds of our new vehicle sales to be electric in the next eight years. Brilliant move, Biden!

But that’s not all, folks. Hawley continued to drop truth bombs on Turk. He asked him another question: which nation accounts for 76 percent of the world’s lithium battery production? You guessed it, China! So, let me get this straight. Biden’s administration is forcing us to rely on our greatest geopolitical rival for the very technology that powers electric vehicles. Can someone please tell me how this benefits the American worker and consumer? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t!

Oh, Hawley wasn’t done yet. He pointed out that electric vehicles on average cost $7,000 more than traditional vehicles and require expensive repairs and frequent replacements of tires and components. And let’s not forget about those lithium batteries that have hefty price tags. Seriously, folks, who in their right mind would choose these overpriced, unreliable, and environmentally damaging cars?

But wait, there’s more! Let’s talk about China’s carbon emissions. While Biden is busy kneecapping American industries in the name of climate change, China is laughing all the way to the coal-fired power plants. That’s right, China remains the world’s largest emitter of carbon emissions, while Biden wants to make us foot the bill for their electric vehicle boom. It’s like we’re willingly handing over our hard-earned money to our biggest adversary. How is this supposed to make America great again?

And if all that wasn’t enough, a report just came out that Hertz is selling off its electric vehicle fleet for more gas-powered vehicles. Why? Because the current generation of electric vehicles simply isn’t practical for everyday use. Only in special-use scenarios are they somewhat viable. Yet, the Biden administration and states like California are determined to shove these cars down our throats, disregarding the reality that they’re just not ready for prime time.

Folks, it’s time to wake up and smell the hypocrisy. Biden’s electric vehicle mandates are a disaster in the making. They enrich China, cost American workers and consumers, and do absolutely nothing for the climate. So if you ask me, Biden might as well be openly trying to sabotage the United States. It’s outrageous, it’s nonsensical, and it’s typical of the radical left’s agenda. We deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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