
Hunter Biden Acts as Advisor in Chief Amid Scandals

Joe Biden’s right-hand man these days isn’t a savvy political strategist or a seasoned advisor; it’s his scandal-ridden son, Hunter Biden. Conservatives are watching in disbelief as Hunter steps into a role akin to advisor-in-chief despite a turbulent past that includes addiction woes and felony convictions.

Various media reports have highlighted that Hunter Biden, who has had a closer relationship with legal trouble than most career criminals, is acting as some executive gatekeeper for dear old Dad. This is the same Hunter Biden whose résumé boasts a federal gun charge and a pending tax trial. If the reports are to be believed, the bad apple hasn’t fallen far from the political tree, taking up residence in the White House since a June 27th debate that was nothing short of a train wreck.

The New York Post has detailed that Hunter Biden hasn’t just been lounging around in the Lincoln Bedroom; he’s inserted himself into high-level advisory meetings. The Washington Examiner apparently couldn’t help asking the White House to confirm if this soap opera plot twist is real, as Hunter cozies up with his equally embattled father to fend off challengers for the Democratic ticket.

Joe and Hunter Biden have often bonded over their family’s various tragedies, channelling their struggles into questionable decision-making. Their history includes surviving a car crash that took the lives of Joe’s first wife and daughter and later enduring the loss of Beau Biden to brain cancer. While Joe has managed to maintain his political ambitions, Hunter has struggled to keep his head above water amid a sea of personal demons, including substance abuse and multiple scandals.

Despite his son’s endless parade of shame, Joe Biden continues to stand beside Hunter, publicly showing pride in a move that seems to baffle rational observers. Normal fathers might draw the line at grand jury investigations, but Joe doesn’t hold back, as is often seen with Hunter on Marine One and during speech preparations at Camp David. Hunter has even dipped his fingers into crafting those eloquent Biden speeches we all know and love.

Representative Mike Turner from Ohio, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, has raised eyebrows over this unsettling arrangement. Turner wrote to White House chief of staff Jeff Zients demanding clarity on whether Hunter has had access to classified information. It’s not every day that the president’s son’s sudden involvement in White House meetings sends staffers into a panic, but Hunter has a unique knack for causing such reactions.

The whirlwind doesn’t stop there. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed Hunter’s presence in official settings, mumbling about family time at Camp David and Hunter’s involvement in speech-prepping sessions. “family time” apparently includes brushing up on state secrets and strategy sessions.

Adding more fuel to the conspiracy fire, Hunter Biden was reportedly in the White House last year around the same time that a bag of cocaine magically appeared on the premises. One would think after Hunter’s reputation with substance abuse, someone might have raised an eyebrow or two.

Joe Biden has declared he won’t be commuting his son’s sentence for any convictions, but Hunter’s vested interest in keeping Dad in the White House has conservatives rolling their eyes. As Joe received chants of “four more years” and watched July 4th fireworks with Hunter, it’s hard not to wonder if the Biden administration has officially descended into a family sitcom—though it’s unclear whether it’s more comedy or tragedy.

Written by Staff Reports

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