
Hunter Biden Loses Law License After Felony Conviction

Well, it looks like the golden boy of the Biden dynasty, Hunter, has once again proven that accountability doesn’t quite run in the family. In the latest episode of the ongoing Hunter Biden saga, this time he’s lost his privilege to practice law in Washington, D.C. No surprise there, considering he was recently convicted of felony gun charges—which, to most people, underscores the idea that Hunter and honesty aren’t exactly best buds.

A jury in Wilmington, Delaware, wasn’t buying Hunter’s tall tales and found him guilty on three felony counts for fabricating details on a federal firearms application. According to the District of Columbia’s Bar licensing rules, that’s what they like to call a “serious crime.” By Monday evening, the Disciplinary Counsel wasted no time in dispatching a letter to Hunter’s defense attorney, informing them of the immediate suspension of his law license. Seems like D.C. doesn’t take too kindly to dishonesty and immorality among its legal eagles—unless, of course, your last name is Clinton.

Hunter paraded into federal court with his wife, looking less like a legal whiz and more like the poster child for liberal privilege. According to the disciplinary counsel, the younger Biden’s crime involved dishonesty and immorality, which even by D.C.’s lenient standards, is a big no-no for someone holding a license to practice law. Given that Hunter’s legal status still appears as “active” and in “GOOD STANDING” on, one has to wonder just how quickly the swamp moves to protect its own.

The trial amplified Hunter’s history of drug abuse which, unsurprisingly, he attempted to conceal on the federal gun purchasing form. In a moment of peak Hunter Biden, he supposedly claimed he wasn’t using or addicted to drugs, even though the jury found he was busy being in possession of a Colt Cobra handgun for 11 days in 2018 while addicted to crack cocaine. The standout here isn’t just the gun charges—a maximum penalty of 10 years—but how remarkably Hunter appears to dodge accountability at every turn.

In true Biden fashion, Hunter’s legal team did a little dance and briefly filed a request for a new trial in Delaware federal court only to retract it without explanation. The first son, who may soon be cozying up to his father’s pen pals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, is still expected to appeal the jury’s overall verdict. After all, why face the music when you can keep the show going indefinitely?

And so, the Hunter Biden circus rolls on.

Written by Staff Reports

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