
Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Showdown: DOJ Strikes Back!

Well, well, well, folks, it looks like Hunter Biden is in a bit of a pickle! That’s right, the Department of Justice is coming for him, and it’s shaping up to be quite the showdown in court. It seems like those apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to legal troubles for the Biden family!

First up on the docket, Hunter Biden is set to make a court appearance on January 11th in Los Angeles to face the music on nine tax charges, including three felonies. The Department of Justice isn’t pulling any punches here, alleging that ol’ Hunter failed to cough up the taxes on over $7 million of income. That’s a whole lot of Benjamins, and it looks like Hunter might not have paid his fair share, just like his old man’s tax hikes want the American people to do!

But wait, there’s more! It’s not just tax trouble that Hunter’s facing. Back in September, he got himself in a sticky situation over allegedly lying on a federal gun form about his drug use so he could buy a gun. And get this, he reportedly held onto that gun illegally after purchasing it! Yikes, it looks like Hunter might need a crash course in gun safety and truth-telling.

Now, Hunter’s pleading not guilty to these charges, and he’s been scrambling to get the cases dismissed. He’s throwing everything at the wall, from claiming the DOJ’s influenced by those dastardly congressional Republicans to arguing that his Second Amendment rights are being violated. It seems like Hunter’s using every trick in the book to weasel his way out of this one!

But that’s not all, folks. Hunter’s not just playing defense, he’s also gone on the offensive with a slew of civil suits. He’s been duking it out in court with former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler and even took the IRS to task, alleging they illegally spilled the beans about his tax affairs. It’s like a legal drama soap opera starring the first son himself!

And if that wasn’t enough, it seems like Hunter’s been dodging subpoenas left and right, defying congressional Republicans and thumbing his nose at their demands for a closed-door deposition. Now they’re threatening to hold him in contempt, which could land him in even hotter water. But hey, when has a little contempt of Congress ever stopped the Biden family before?


Written by Staff Reports

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