
Illegal Alien Attacker Freed by Rogue Sanctuary Church

The liberal madness continues as a sanctuary church in Brooklyn shamelessly bailed out an illegal alien accused of attacking NYPD officers. Can you believe it? These left-wing radicals will stop at nothing to protect criminals and undermine the rule of law.

The incident in question occurred last month when a group of illegal aliens from Venezuela brazenly attacked two NYPD officers in midtown Manhattan. Outrageously, only two of the seven illegal aliens involved were actually held on bail, and now, one of them has been released back onto the streets, all thanks to the so-called “sanctuary church” pulling this stunt.

The church, known as the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bay Ridge, posted a whopping $15,000 bond for the accused illegal alien. Talk about enabling criminal behavior! The pastor of the church, Rev. Juan Ruiz, shamelessly defended this appalling act, claiming that the church is a “sanctuary” and that they assume people are innocent until proven guilty. Give me a break! This is a clear case of prioritizing the comfort of criminals over the safety of law-abiding citizens.

Meanwhile, five other illegal aliens charged in the attack were released without any bail at all. One of them even had the audacity to flip off cameras as he left the courthouse! Can you imagine the sheer arrogance? And to make matters worse, one of the attackers is back in custody for an unrelated crime, while two others are in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It’s absolutely bonkers how these individuals are allowed to roam free and wreak havoc in our communities.

The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has close ties to left-wing billionaire George Soros, has been at the center of this debacle. His office has faced widespread criticism for its lenient approach to the illegal aliens involved in the attack. Even Republicans in the New York State Senate are demanding action, calling on Governor Kathy Hochul to remove Bragg from his position. Yet, the governor has failed to hold Bragg accountable, instead giving vague statements about the need to hold people in jail until the truth comes out. It’s clear that the liberal elites are more concerned with coddling criminals than upholding justice.

In the end, this whole situation is a perfect example of the left’s dangerous agenda. They will stop at nothing to protect illegal aliens, even if it means putting the lives of law enforcement officers and the public at risk. This madness must stop, and it’s up to hardworking Americans to demand accountability and stand up for the safety and security of our communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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