
Incoming Washington Post Editor Linked to Illicit Info Gathering

An investigative report recently uncovered concerning ties between the incoming editor of The Washington Post, Robert Winnett, and a self-described “thief” named John Ford. The report revealed that Mr. Winnett had collaborated with Mr. Ford during his time working for the Sunday Times in London, and relied on documents from Mr. Ford’s unpublished book.

The report highlighted an incident in 2010 when Mr. Ford was arrested for attempting to steal a copy of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s forthcoming memoir, and reached out to Mr. Winnett for assistance. The report suggested that Mr. Winnett assured Mr. Ford that the “remarkable omerta” of British journalism would prevent their questionable activities from being exposed.

The investigative report also detailed the overlap between the individuals Mr. Ford was illicitly gathering information about and the stories Mr. Winnett was writing for the Sunday Times. These included topics such as the rise and fall of Leeds United Football Club, Mr. Blair’s finances, and plans by Britain’s wealthiest elites to purchase a high-priced Mercedes-Benz.

Despite the allegations, Mr. Winnett, who currently serves as the deputy editor at the Telegraph, did not respond to requests for comment from The Washington Post. The timing of these revelations coincides with a period of significant restructuring and staff changes at The Post, including the abrupt resignation of executive editor Sally Buzbee and a plan to divide the newsroom into three separate divisions.

The report also raised questions about the Publisher and CEO of The Post, William Lewis, who faces scrutiny for his past tenure at the Sunday Times and alleged connections to stories written using hacked phone records. Mr. Lewis has denied any wrongdoing and has expressed confidence in Mr. Winnett, describing him as a “world-class” journalist who will enhance the outlet’s investigative rigor.

Amid these developments, The Post announced the reinstatement of Cameron Barr, a former managing editor, to oversee the newspaper’s coverage of the controversies involving Mr. Lewis and Mr. Winnett. The reorganization of the newsroom and staff reductions reflect The Post’s efforts to address significant financial losses experienced over the past year.

In response to the allegations, The Washington Post emphasized its commitment to independent, rigorous, and fair coverage, underscoring the importance of addressing perceived and potential conflicts. The newspaper stated that Mr. Barr, who now has a contractual relationship as a senior associate editor, will oversee the coverage of the Publisher and the incoming editor to ensure impartial reporting.

Overall, the investigative report has brought to light significant concerns regarding the incoming editor of The Washington Post and potential conflicts within the newspaper’s leadership. These developments have taken place against the backdrop of internal restructuring and financial challenges, raising important questions about the future of the renowned publication.

Written by Staff Reports

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