
Is This a Re-run? Hillary Clinton Tipped for 2024 Race if Biden Bows Out!

In a recent poll conducted by Harvard-Harris, it was revealed that the majority of likely voters do not believe President Joe Biden should run in the 2024 election. Many respondents expressed concerns about Biden’s mental fitness and felt that he has been worsening rather than improving as president. This sentiment was especially strong among Republicans and Independents, with only 33 percent of Democrats sharing the same view.

As for potential replacements, if Biden were to drop out of the race, the top pick among Democrat voters was President Kamala Harris, with 24 percent of respondents choosing her. Coming in second was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with 13 percent of the vote. Other contenders included Senator Bernie Sanders, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Interestingly, when it comes to net favorability ratings, former President Donald Trump ranked higher than Clinton, with 44 percent of respondents viewing him favorably compared to Clinton’s 51 percent.

Adding to the growing doubts about Biden’s chances in 2024, David Axelrod, former president Obama’s top campaign advisor, stated in an interview that Biden’s odds of winning are “no better than 50-50, maybe a little worse.” Axelrod expressed concern about Biden’s attempt to “cheat nature” by seeking a second term at his age. He also cautioned against relying on Trump to secure victory, citing Hillary Clinton’s failed strategy in the past.

Even popular figures like rapper Cardi B have voiced their disappointment in Biden. After New York City announced a 5 percent budget cut to public services, Cardi B criticized Biden in a live session on Instagram, vowing to never endorse another aspiring president. This backlash highlights the growing discontent with Biden’s administration.

The overwhelming results of this poll and the criticism from various sources demonstrate that American voters are not satisfied with President Biden and are looking for alternative choices in the 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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