
John Kirby Dismisses Veteran Concerns on Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

The recent blunder involving John Kirby, the White House National Security Council communications adviser, serves as a glaring reminder that today’s ruling elite is immune to the outcry of regular citizens. During an email mishap on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Kirby inadvertently let slip what he really thinks about veterans who dare to criticize President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Spoiler alert: he doesn’t think much of them. In his view, they’re just part of a “handful” and can be safely disregarded.

In a classic case of bureaucratic arrogance, Kirby’s ego was on full display when he responded to Fox News’ inquiry about veterans expressing their outrage over the withdrawal. His closed-door message, meant for a select audience, ended up being shared with the very media outlet that questioned his administration’s failures. One can almost hear the “whoops” echoing through the hallowed halls of power—if only it weren’t such a consistent theme among those in charge.

The fall-out was swift, with Kirby’s comments revealing the administration’s blatant disregard for the sacrifices made by those who have served. Among the displeased veterans included Republicans and those who put their lives on the line to protect American interests. These soldiers were met with an astonishing lack of respect from a political class that views them as mere collateral damage in the quest for power and political survival.

What remains bewildering is how the White House continues to attempt deflection rather than take responsibility for one of the most catastrophic decisions in recent military history. The House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Republican Rep. Mike McCaul, succinctly lambasted the administration’s failure, while Kirby, instead of owning up, tried to drag former President Trump into the mess. It is a bewildering tactic that almost feels like a game of political hot potato played with the lives of Americans left behind. 


Beyond Kirby’s flippant attitude lies a deeper issue of pervasive incompetence and a complete lack of accountability in this administration. As veterans and their advocates have pointed out, the very essence of leadership should involve learning from failures and humbly acknowledging mistakes rather than brushing them off as mere inconveniences. But, of course, such accountability is too much to expect from a group that has mastered the art of dodging responsibility and treating American heroes like an uninvited guest at their own farewell party.

In a perfect world, the White House would offer a sincere apology to veterans, recognizing their sacrifices and acknowledging the administration’s shortcomings while promising to do better. Alas, this ideal seems more like a distant dream as the arrogance of the ruling class seems to shine brighter than their commitment to the people they claim to serve. Until there is a seismic shift in how those at the top view accountability, the cycle of contempt will only continue, leaving veterans and everyday Americans frustrated and unheard.

Written by Staff Reports

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