
Joy Reid Compares Biden’s COVID to Trump’s Assassination Attempt—MSNBC Hits New Low

Once again, the mainstream media proves they can’t resist a good melodrama, and MSNBC’s Joy Reid is leading the charge. Reid recently made another of her baffling comparisons, equating President Biden’s COVID-19 diagnosis with the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump. Yes, you read that right. Not a bad Cold War thriller plot—too bad reality isn’t taking notes.

Reid, never known for her subtlety or her sense of proportion, seems to think that Biden catching a virus with a 99% survival rate is somehow on par with the attempt to take Trump’s life. Because, apparently, nursing a fever and grabbing a Kleenex now puts someone in the same dramatic category as surviving a genuine threat to personal safety. It might be funny if it weren’t so pathetically absurd.

It’s almost as if comparing a medically treatable illness to an assassination attempt is just another Tuesday for MSNBC. With the liberal media constantly grasping at straws to paint any inconvenience facing Biden as a world-ending crisis, Reid’s theater looks more like a comedy of errors. Who knew that going toe-to-toe with 24-hour sniffles could put one in the same club as those who dodge bullets?

One really can’t help but marvel at the level of desperation here. Equating Biden’s mild bout of COVID-19 with an actual assassination attempt not only insults the intelligence of the American public, but also trivializes genuine attacks on a sitting president. It seems like the only criteria for MSNBC’s headlines these days is how far they can stretch the truth without it snapping back in their faces. Spoiler alert: it’s snapped plenty of times, and they still haven’t learned.

This latest spectacle from Joy Reid isn’t just embarrassing for her or her network; it’s a neat encapsulation of how far off the rails liberal media outlets like MSNBC have gone. While intelligent Americans are focusing on real issues—like inflation, border security, and First Amendment rights—the left continues its descent into absurdity. Reid’s comparison only serves as the latest reminder that the mainstream media is in dire need of a reality check.

Written by Staff Reports

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