
Kamala Harris Caught Twisting Trump’s Words in Debate Debacle

In the latest episode of “What Did Kamala Say This Time?” Vice President Kamala Harris found herself caught in a web of her own making—again. During a recent debate with Donald Trump, Harris flung around the term “bloodbath” as if she were in a Quentin Tarantino film, but the reality of the situation was a tad less dramatic and a lot more twisted. CNN, a network typically more comfortable propping up Democratic narratives, managed to set some of the record straight when senior political commentator Scott Jennings called out Harris’s mischaracterizations.

Harris claimed that Trump indicated there would be a “bloodbath” if he didn’t win the election. This dramatic flair would be great if true, but it wasn’t. Trump’s mention of a “bloodbath” actually referred to the potential fallout for the American auto industry due to his proposed 100 percent tariff on Chinese cars imported from Mexico. He was warning about the dire consequences for jobs in the vehicle manufacturing sector, not instigating a call for chaos if he loses the election. Talk about taking someone’s words and twisting them into a pretzel.

In a rare moment of journalistic accountability, CNN host Abby Phillip acknowledged that Harris had misrepresented Trump’s statement. Her explanation that he was discussing vehicle manufacturing jobs and not instigating violence was a welcome surprise, considering how the mainstream media generally spins narratives to fit their progressive agendas. Harris’s attempt to portray Trump as a doomsday prophet backfired spectacularly, exposing the lengths to which she and her allies will go to distort the truth.

Not content with merely misinterpreting Trump’s comments, Harris also alleged that he would act as a dictator if elected. Jennings swiftly knocked that assertion down, pointing out that throughout history, the U.S. has fought against dictators, a fact that seems lost on Harris’s campaign strategy. Instead of addressing the real issues, Kamala’s camp seems to prefer the drama of labeling Trump a dictator. However, it’s hard to see how that narrative sticks when Trump’s policies from his time in office were decidedly pro-free market and pro-American worker.

In a nod to the absurdity of the entire situation, Sean Hannity recently played a piece of tape featuring Trump joking about using his first day in office to “drill, drill, drill.” This light-hearted comment provides insight into his actual priorities: border security and energy independence rather than an iron-fisted rule. It’s clear that Trump prefers action over tyranny—something Harris and company seem determined to ignore.

When even CNN takes the time to correct the distorted narratives coming from Harris, it’s apparent that the Vice President’s campaign is teetering on the brink. As cornered as Harris is in this debate, Trump is merely reinforcing his message while she scrambles to fact-check her blunders. The only bloodbath on the horizon seems to be that of her credibility among voters who can see through the smoke and mirrors.

Written by Staff Reports

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