
Kamala Harris Policy Page Mirrors Biden’s, Raises Plagiarism Concerns

Kamala Harris’s much-anticipated “Issues” page has finally made an appearance on her campaign website, but instead of groundbreaking policy proposals, it seems to have taken a page out of President Biden’s playbook—literally. It raises the question of why it took so long for Harris to present a coherent platform, hinting at a desire to fly under the radar until Election Day. After all, the less the public knows about her platform, the better, right?

The crux of the issue lies in the fact that her campaign didn’t just delay; it opted for an approach that is less about innovation and more about imitation. Harris’s new policy page appears to be a copy-and-paste effort, echoing the exact language found on Biden’s campaign site. It’s like someone realized they had a college paper due and hurriedly plagiarized their roommate’s work to avoid failure. The lack of creativity is both alarming and comically uninspired.

Adding to the dubious merit of this policy unveiling is the content itself. Much of it is filled with grandiose claims about Harris’s past, likely concocted to paint her as a victim-turned-hero in the grand Democratic narrative. That wouldn’t be complete without a barrage of attacks on former President Trump—29 instances of Trump-bashing reveal the strategy at play here. But the real kicker comes from the discovery that the metadata on her newly launched policy site contains alarming hints of further plagiarism, such as encouraging voters to reelect Joe Biden. Oops! 


According to the left-leaning New Republic, the discovery of this blunder is not just embarrassing; it misrepresents what Harris claims to stand for. While the Democratic establishment hopes the public sees Harris as a sign of progress, the optics of copying an existing campaign does little to inspire confidence. It starves her platform of the originality voters are craving and only serves to reinforce the notion that she may just be Biden 2.0—only with a different hairdo.

It seems Harris’s campaign aims to project an image of a “new way forward.” However, this copycat tactic suggests there’s nothing particularly new in store for the American public. Instead of inspiring voters with original ideas, it now looks like she’s seeking to rehash Biden’s platform and hope for the best. It’s an unfortunate situation for an aspiring national leader, who should be rallying support around her own efforts rather than mimicking the policies of her predecessor. As Election Day approaches, it might be time for Harris to stop trying to pass off Biden’s homework as her own.

Written by Staff Reports

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Kamala Harris Campaign Recycles Biden’s Policies Lack Fresh Ideas