
Kari Lake Surges in Polls, Dems & Sinema Trail in AZ Dust

Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake is surging ahead in the polls, leaving her Democratic and independent opponents in the dust. According to a recent VCreek/AMG poll, Lake has taken a commanding lead with 41 percent support, while her Democratic rival, Rep. Ruben Gallego, sits at a measly 35 percent. And what about independent incumbent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema? She’s drowning at just 16 percent. Looks like the political tide is turning red in the Grand Canyon State.

Sinema hasn’t decided if she’s throwing her hat in the ring again. But her political team seems to be poking around, testing the waters to see if she could potentially run for re-election. Maybe she’s seeing the writing on the wall, realizing that the good folks of Arizona are ready for some true conservative leadership.

And let’s not forget about the margin of error in the poll. It’s a tiny +/- 3.71 percent. That means Lake’s lead could be even bigger! That’s definitely something to get excited about, folks.

She’s also dominating the Republican primary race. The latest poll has her miles ahead of Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, with Lake at a commanding 40 percent and Lamb lagging far behind at 14 percent. Looks like Lake has the support of the true red-blooded conservatives in Arizona.

Even Fox Business Network host Larry Kudlow couldn’t help but take notice of Lake’s impressive lead. He spotlighted her big win on his program and asked Lake what’s driving her campaign. Her answer? It’s all about the border, the economy, and getting back to common-sense policies that support Arizona families. She hit the nail on the head there – it’s time to put Arizona first and stop the Democratic nonsense.

Lake didn’t hold back when she called out her opponents for voting against funding the border wall and supporting the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. And who can blame her? The American people are fed up with the left’s reckless agenda, and Arizona is no exception. It’s time to shake things up and bring some much-needed conservative leadership to the Senate.


Written by Staff Reports

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