
Kid Rock Backs Trump Plan to End Tax on Tips

Former President Donald Trump’s promise to eliminate taxes on tips if he were to be reelected has earned praise from rock musician Kid Rock. The musician, whose real name is Robert James Ritchie, commended Trump for his proposal, calling him “a genius” for coming up with the plan.

Trump made this proposal during a recent rally in Nevada. Kid Rock, who is a bar owner himself, lauded the plan as “HUGE” and highlighted the positive impact it would have on hardworking Americans in the bar and restaurant industry.

Kid Rock expressed his support for Trump’s plan through a post on social media platform Truth Social, emphasizing the potential benefits for small business owners who have faced challenges in staffing. The musician also shared a photo of a restaurant receipt on which he had written, “a vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tip!!” and generously tipped the waiter $400.

In addition to his social media post, Kid Rock posted a video of Trump reiterating his promise at a rally in Detroit, Michigan. Trump, in turn, acknowledged Kid Rock’s support and referred to the musician as “very smart” for encouraging waiters to support him.

Although Trump’s promise to remove taxes on tips would require congressional action to become a reality, the musician’s endorsement of the plan highlights the positive reception it has received among some individuals. Both Trump and Kid Rock have maintained a positive relationship, with the former president even introducing the musician at a recent concert and praising him as “one of the greatest entertainers of our time.”

Overall, Kid Rock’s support for Trump’s proposal to eliminate taxes on tips reflects the positive response it has received from some members of the entertainment industry.

Written by Staff Reports

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