
Liberal Media Spins Biden’s Senior Moments Blames Republicans

The liberal media is at it again, scrambling to spin the narrative like a DJ at a wedding. Recently, they tried to convince Americans that the viral videos showcasing Joe Biden’s many senior moments were nothing but “cheap fakes.” According to the Washington Post, these so-called deceptively edited clips were a wicked tool of the Republican party, aimed at painting the president as out of it, unfit, and generally not present. Yet, despite all evidence showing Biden’s age-related missteps, the media insisted these clips were distorted and misleading, perhaps forgetting that many Americans witnessed these moments live on their screens.

Just weeks later, Biden’s not-so-stellar debate performance against Donald Trump sparked a wave of calls—those from the liberal sphere and among the Democrats themselves—urging him to exit the presidential race gracefully. Lo and behold, the President finally succumbed to the mounting pressure, stepping down and endorsing Kamala Harris. Would the media finally call out the rampant incompetence within their ranks? Of course not. Instead, they pivoted to a new narrative that tries to paint Harris’s cringe-worthy performances in a more flattering light.

Now, the New York Times has courageously declared Harris as “highly memeable,” which must leave most Americans scratching their heads. The writer touted the very clips that had once served as fodder for mockery as now being transformed into jubilant artefacts of her campaign. Who knew that Harris’s nonsensical ramblings and shaky dance moves could become so celebrated? Suddenly, a gaffe becomes a meme, and a caloric buffet of word salad is dished out as if it were Michelin-star cuisine.

In a previous speech, when Harris posed the profound question of whether someone “just fell out of a coconut tree,” the brilliance of the line was lost on everyone except perhaps a few misguided beings in her fan club. This was followed by moments where clips of her dancing were swiftly labeled as “cringe” by the masses. The topic of her being “a cop” united various factions online in a friendly mockery of her past as a prosecutor. Yet now, it seems that these moments have been resurrected in an effort to present her as a quirky candidate with “hypnotic internet speak.” Quite a leap.

Is it possible that the media thinks their readers are gullible enough to believe that catchy memes are somehow going to redeem Harris’s image? They claim that her word jumble and head-scratching comments are now a symbol of her captivating rise in what they deem a volatile campaign. It truly takes a special kind of wishful thinking to believe that TikTok snippets and social media buzz can genuinely reframe someone who has shown the same level of coherence as Biden but without the added benefit of age-induced confusion.

Yet the media is relentless in its efforts, throwing Hail Mary passes, hoping something will stick. The Democratic Party might wish they could summon the same fervent online following that Trump enjoys, which gives a whole new meaning to making lemonade out of lemons—especially when those lemons are criminal charges. For Harris, with clips depicting her misguided logic gaining traction, it seems her campaign is doing the opposite. If the plan is to present her word salad as a feast for the senses, they might need to reconsider their menu. The media can spin whatever they want, but the reality certain voters will face is crystal clear, and it doesn’t involve meme-filled optimism.

Written by Staff Reports

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