
Liberals Plot Biden Betrayal for Newcomer Moore!

Another day, another liberal pundit singing the praises of a new potential democrat to replace our beloved President Biden. Just when you thought the left couldn’t get any more desperate, along comes Christopher T. Brooks, a history professor at East Stroudsburg University, to suggest that Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland, should take the reins from Biden as the face of the Democratic Party.

Now, let’s be honest, folks. Christopher T. Brooks isn’t exactly a household name. But that didn’t stop him from penning an opinion piece in The Hill, where he made a bold argument for tossing Biden aside in favor of a guy who’s had exactly one year of experience as governor of Maryland. The nerve!

According to Brooks, Moore is the next big thing. I mean, he’s a Rhodes Scholar, an Army Reserve intelligence officer, and he’s held prominent positions in both the public and private sectors. And get this – he checks all the boxes for being “intersectional.” You know, the whole Cuban-Jamaican immigrant thing, working in the banking sector, and being the third African-American governor in U.S. history. Brooks even claims Moore has as much charisma as Obama did back in 2004. Yeah, right.

But hold on, there’s more! Apparently, Moore’s opponent in the governor’s race was no match for this political powerhouse. And now, Brooks and other Democrats are holding out hope that Moore could be the savior they’ve been waiting for. It’s like they believe in fairy tales or something.

And the audacity of Brooks to suggest that Moore is the moderate figure independents could rally behind, despite his left-wing views on gun control, charter schools, voter ID laws, and more. But never mind all that – he’s their golden ticket out of the mess they’ve made with Biden. Classic liberal logic at its finest.

Brooks even went so far as to call on the Democratic National Committee to give Biden the boot. I mean, the nerve of this guy! Sure, Biden has his moments, but that’s just part of his charm, right? And let’s not forget, Brooks points out that Biden once referred to Moore as “the boy.” Okay, so maybe that wasn’t his best moment, but come on, folks, give the guy a break.

Oh, and it doesn’t stop there. Other influential voices on the left, like Ezra Klein and Nate Silver, have joined the chorus, calling on Biden to step aside. Klein even suggested that the party should pick a new nominee at the convention. Yeah, because that’s how democracy works, folks – behind closed doors, with no input from the voters. Classic liberal elitism.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, there’s Nate Silver, who thinks Biden needs to prove himself by doing interviews with “non-friendly” sources. As if that’s going to make a difference. But who are we kidding? The left is in full panic mode, and they’re starting to turn on their own. It’s like watching a soap opera – you can’t look away, no matter how absurd it gets.

In the end, it’s clear that the Democrats are in disarray, and they’re grasping at straws to find a new face for their floundering party. Will they ditch Biden? Only time will tell, my friends. But one thing’s for sure – it’s going to be a wild ride leading up to the election.

The Western Journal is committed to bringing you the truth in these tumultuous times, unlike the establishment media, which is nothing but a mouthpiece for the left. And because of that, Big Tech and the elites are trying to silence us. But we won’t back down. We’re asking for your support in the fight for the soul of America. Will you stand with us?

Well, there you have it, folks. Another day, another liberal attempt to take down President Biden. But fear not, because the truth will always prevail. So join us in the fight to save our country from the liberal elites. It’s now or never.

Written by Staff Reports

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