
Marianne Williamson Challenges Biden, Calls for DNC Overhaul Amid Party Panic

The Democratic Party’s internal struggle over President Biden’s capability continues to grow, with author and presidential candidate Marianne Williamson stepping up to throw a wrench in the works. As concerns over Biden’s age and mental fitness escalate, Williamson is calling for an open convention next month—a move that echoes the panic within the party ranks.

Williamson, who didn’t make much of a splash in the 2020 Democratic primaries and has seen her 2024 campaign barely get off the ground, pointed to Biden’s lackluster debate performance in Atlanta last week as the final nail in the coffin. It seems even some Democrats are admitting that their supposed unifier-in-chief is more gaffe-prone than a magician in a clumsy rookie show.

She insists that President Biden deserves respect and compassion but argues that the party needs a fresh face on the ballot to stave off another defeat in November. The fact that even a fringe candidate like Williamson is pushing so hard for change only goes to show how desperate things have become within the Democratic establishment.

In a statement loaded with urgency, Williamson called for the Democratic National Committee to reset the nominating process and start from scratch. Over the next two months, she envisions a grandiose, robust debate on who could actually take on Donald Trump. While one has to appreciate her confidence, it’s hard to ignore the irony of her pitching herself as the next Democratic savior.

Biden, his campaign team, and a motley crew of surrogates have adamantly insisted he will be the nominee come November. Despite what can best be described as a shaky and uninspiring debate performance against Trump, the Democratic establishment seems to be in denial that their 80-year-old candidate might be past his prime.

Let’s not forget that Biden coasted through the Democratic primaries with practically zero major challengers, securing delegates with the ease of a bear spotting picnic baskets. The only real chance Democrats have to boot Biden from the ticket would be if he decides to step aside—or if the party dares to change its nominating rules mid-game, a move that would cause an uproar akin to a full-blown political earthquake.

As things stand, Democrats plan to nominate Biden virtually before mid-August to ensure his name gets printed on ballots in all 50 states. The party’s grand circus in Chicago from August 19-22 is expected to take place in person, perhaps to witness firsthand the unbridled enthusiasm (or lack thereof) for their candidate.

Notably, however, while most Democrats are skittish about publicly calling for Biden to bow out, one House Democrat had the audacity to do just that this Tuesday. A CNN poll released the same day only reinforced Biden’s weak showing against Trump, raising questions about whether the Democrats are steamrolling into a buzzsaw this November.

Written by Staff Reports

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