
Musk Defies Cancel Culture: Hosts Twitter Space with Silenced Kennedy Jr!

The left’s obsession with big tech has reached new heights as Twitter owner Elon Musk announced he will be hosting a Twitter Space with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This comes after Kennedy’s campaign account on Instagram was banned for 180 days due to their official “TeamKennedy” email address. How pathetic is it that these social media platforms are throwing their weight around and silencing political candidates based on arbitrary rules?

Thankfully, Musk is offering a platform for those who are being censored to have their voices heard. Kennedy, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination – a longshot at best – has consistently polled between 10 and 20 percent, yet the DNC refuses to grant him a debate with President Biden. Instead, they continue to prop up an old, out-of-touch man who can barely navigate stairs.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey even chimed in, calling for the DNC to hold a debate between the two candidates. It’s clear that the left-wing elites are afraid of Kennedy’s ideas and the growing interest in his candidacy. But they can’t silence him forever, and Musk’s Twitter Space offers a chance for people to get to know Kennedy and his policies.

This is exactly what we need in politics – genuine conversation that allows candidates to speak directly to the people. It might not be scripted or perfect, but it’s real. And that’s something we can all appreciate. Kudos to Governor Ron DeSantis for being the first to accept Musk’s invitation. Despite some technical difficulties, the announcement drew almost a million listeners, showing that people are hungry for real discussion and engagement.

It’s time for the cancel culture of the left to end, and for us to come together for real conversation and dialogue. Let’s hope that this Twitter Space with Kennedy is the first step in that direction.

Written by Staff Reports

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