
Muslim Voters Abandon Harris Over Israel-Hamas Stance Shift Towards Stein and Trump

A recent survey indicates that Muslim voters in key swing states are giving Vice President Kamala Harris a harsh reality check, as her support dwindles significantly amid backlash over the Biden-Harris administration’s mishandling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. The so-called “Abandon Harris” campaign, which comes as a direct result of her controversial stance on the Israel situation, is gaining traction as more voters look the other way, with some even finding solace in the Green Party’s Jill Stein or—quite shockingly—former President Donald Trump.

Polling conducted by the left-wing Council on American-Islamic Relations reveals that Harris is lagging behind Stein in critical states like Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin. Surprisingly, in Nevada, Trump’s appeal among Muslim voters seems to have him sitting in a more favorable position than his Democratic counterparts. One might wonder if this is some kind of cosmic joke.

Putting numbers to the discontent, in Michigan, 40 percent of Muslim voters support Stein, which makes Harris’s pitiful 12 percent look like a bad joke. Trump comes in second at 18 percent. This scenario was partially fueled by the “uncommitted” movement during the primaries, where a staggering number of Michigan voters—including Muslims—voiced their disapproval of the current administration’s policies, opting for the “uncommitted” option instead. Even the count itself in Michigan is a slap in the face for Harris, given that more than 100,000 voters chose not to show support, edging uncomfortably close to the margin Biden won the state by in 2019.

Wisconsin paints a similar picture, with Stein claiming 44 percent of Muslim voters versus Harris’s 39 percent. Interestingly, this trend of resentment also rolled into the Democrat primary. The “uninstructed” vote movement there resonated with many disillusioned voters, who also rejected the Biden-Harris ticket, demonstrating their dissatisfaction in numbers that far outdid Biden’s last victory margin in the state.

The Sun Belt isn’t rolling out the red carpet for Harris either, as recent data from Nevada shows Trump’s leading support among Muslim voters at 27 percent, with Harris lagging just behind at 26 percent. Stein is still in the race, garnering a respectable 13 percent, while a quarter of respondents remain undecided. Arizona isn’t much better for Harris either, as Stein takes the lead there with 35 percent, leaving Harris at 29 percent and Trump at 15 percent.

Despite some fleeting signs of support in Georgia and Pennsylvania, where Harris holds on with 43 percent and 37 percent, respectively, the overall trend remains clear: disgruntled Muslim voters are far from pleased with the current administration. With her backing of Israel amidst mounting criticism from the progressive left, Harris’s re-election hopes are looking increasingly shaky. A significant faction is now openly questioning her competency and ties to “genocide,” bringing to light the chaos brewing within her own party as she attempts to navigate the turbulent waters of voter dissatisfaction.

This is all not just political shading but a genuine brewing storm for the Biden–Harris campaign, illustrating that it’s not the economy but rather the foreign policy blunders that have ignited dissent even among traditionally loyal voter bases. The whispers of “Abandon Harris” are getting louder, and if they continue on this trajectory, November could offer a surprising twist in the electoral tale.

Written by Staff Reports

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