
New Poll: Trump Crushes Biden, GOP Values Winning America’s Heart!

A recent poll conducted by Harvard/CAPS Harris has delivered encouraging news for former President Donald J. Trump and Republican governors nationwide. In a direct comparison between Trump and current President Joe Biden, 45 percent of registered voters chose Trump, while Biden received only 39 percent. This outcome signifies a significant triumph for the Republican Party, although there remains considerable work to be done ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

The survey from Harvard/CAPS Harris reveals that Trump maintains a six percentage point lead over Biden, mirroring the results of another recent poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports. As of June 19, Trump also enjoys a 2.4 percentage point lead in the RealClear Politics polling average. This remarkable lead over Biden speaks volumes about the former president's popularity, with the entire Republican Party rallying behind him.

Additionally, the Harvard/CAPS Harris poll brings positive news for the Republican primary contest, which has heated up between Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. According to the national polling average, Trump holds a substantial lead among registered Republicans, with 67 percent of them favoring Trump in a head-to-head match-up against DeSantis. Furthermore, Trump overwhelmingly outperformed Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) in a hypothetical match-up, securing 77 percent of respondents' support.

The poll results indicate that a majority of respondents view the indictment against Trump as politically motivated and an act of election interference. Specifically, 55 percent believe the indictment is politically motivated, and slightly more, 56 percent, consider it as an attempt to undermine the election process. This serves as clear evidence that the Democrats are eager to silence the former president, but the American people remain unconvinced by their efforts.

Furthermore, the Harvard/CAPS Harris poll delivers a resounding message to Republican governors and state legislatures nationwide. An astonishing 82 percent of respondents expressed their support for legislation that would reinforce parental rights in education, emphasizing the American people's desire for control over their children's education. Additionally, 74 percent of respondents favored the expansion of charter schools and private schools, indicating their demand for choice in their children's education.

Regarding gender identity issues, the poll reveals that 78 percent of respondents believe that sex-change surgeries should be prohibited for minors. This conservative viewpoint aligns with the beliefs of the majority of Americans. Moreover, 68 percent of respondents expressed their agreement with discouraging illegal immigrants from settling in the United States, reflecting another conservative position supported by the majority.

This poll demonstrates the American people's alignment with the Republican Party and its conservative values. It is evident that the Democrats have lost touch with the sentiments of the American people, and their attempts to silence the former president will not go unnoticed. The Republican Party remains committed to fighting for the cherished values of the American people and will not be swayed by the Democrats' efforts to undermine our principles.

Written by Staff Reports

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