
Poll Reveals 42% of Democrats Back Mass Deportations, Biden Blamed for Border Crisis

Axios recently revealed a shocking new poll that sheds light on American views towards illegal immigration and mass deportations, and the results spell trouble for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. The survey conducted by Harris shows that a surprising 42 percent of Democrats support mass deportations as a solution to Biden’s border crisis. This high percentage among Democrats is alarming, as mass deportations are typically viewed as a harsh measure against illegal immigration. It’s clear that the issue of illegal immigration has become toxic within the Democratic Party, with even their own members favoring tough actions.

The White House is facing bad news from this poll, as it indicates that Biden is being personally held responsible for the border crisis more than any other politician or factor. A notable 32% of respondents blame the Biden administration the most for the crisis, surpassing other political figures or structural reasons. This shows that Biden has not been successful in shifting the blame away from himself, despite efforts to do so.

However, Axios tries to spin the poll results by pointing out discrepancies between public perceptions of immigration and actual data. The survey reveals that a majority of Americans incorrectly believe that immigrants receive more welfare and benefits than they contribute in taxes, as well as wrongly linking illegal immigration to rising crime rates in the U.S. This misinterpretation of facts by the press is a common tactic used to blur the lines between legal and illegal immigration discussions.

It is essential to acknowledge that illegal immigrants likely do receive more in welfare benefits than they pay in taxes, and their presence does contribute to America’s crime issues. Securing the Southern Border is crucial in preventing crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Biden faces a dilemma in responding to this shift in public opinion. While reinstating Trump-era policies could help address the crisis, it would mean going against his far-left base, including those controlling the White House. Democrats find themselves trapped in a challenging position on illegal immigration.

Written by Staff Reports

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