
Protest Pandemonium: CA Assembly Hijacked by Anti-Israel Mob

The California Assembly was rudely interrupted by a swarm of pro-Palestinian troublemakers who disrupted the peace and quiet by chanting “ceasefire now” in the rotunda. These hooligans clearly have no respect for order and decorum.

Reports from the state Capitol spokesperson revealed that nearly 100 protesters invaded the building’s rotunda. The audacity of these individuals is truly mind-boggling. A video circulating on social media depicted the group unfurling banners denouncing support for Israel while belting out their tiresome “ceasefire now” chants.

As the commotion escalated, a speaker in the Assembly wisely called for a recess. It’s a shame these delinquents managed to disturb the important work being done in the Assembly with their disruptive behavior.

The protesters sported “Not in Our Name” shirts, claiming to represent a Jewish pro-Palestinian organization. Their banners arrogantly declared, “Jews say not in our name” and “Jews say no U.S. funding for Israel’s genocide in Palestine.” It’s astounding that these troublemakers would dare to speak on behalf of an entire group of people, not to mention spewing such baseless accusations.

It’s a shame that organizations like Not in Our Name have resorted to causing chaos and disruption instead of engaging in constructive dialogue. Their disruptive protests outside the White House and U.S. Capitol demonstrate a clear lack of respect for the democratic process. It’s time for these rabble-rousers to learn some manners and engage in civil discourse rather than resorting to such disruptive antics.

Written by Staff Reports

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