
Rep Van Orden Slams Biden Border Policy After Gang Member’s Violent Crime Spree

Rep. Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin recently took to Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” to sound the alarm over a major issue plaguing the nation: the disgraceful state of border security under the Biden-Harris administration. While the administration touts its policies as compassionate, Van Orden illustrated just how misplaced those priorities are. It turns out that an increasing number of illegal aliens are being treated with kid gloves while law-abiding American citizens are left to fend for themselves.

The congressman recounted a chilling series of events that showcase the failures of the border policy. An individual with gang tattoos—yes, actual gang tattoos—managed to waltz into the United States, courtesy of the border efforts led by none other than Vice President Kamala Harris. This alleged criminal made his way to Minneapolis, where he was arrested for property crimes and, owing to the policies of that sanctuary city, was released back onto the streets. The journey didn’t stop there; he then proceeded to Madison, Wisconsin, committing more violent crimes before finally heading to Prairie du Chien, where he brutally attacked a mother and her daughter.

Van Orden emphasized that this entire situation could have been avoided. If law enforcement hadn’t dropped the ball multiple times—first in Minneapolis and then in Madison—the crimes committed in Prairie du Chien would never have happened. It’s a perfect example of how leftist policies, which prioritize the rights of criminals over the safety of American citizens, can lead to devastating consequences. One can’t help but wonder how many more citizens need to be put in danger before something changes.

What’s particularly galling is that this series of blunders unfolded less than a mile away from a high school and just half a mile from the congressman’s own grandchildren’s home. One can only imagine the fear that must weave into the fabric of neighborhoods that could find themselves harboring such dangerous individuals. Apparently, the Biden-Harris administration is more interested in protecting these criminal illegal aliens than standing up for the safety and well-being of American families.

Rep. Van Orden’s passionate appeal highlights a fundamental truth: the current state of our borders is not merely a political talking point but a real and urgent issue affecting American lives. With crime rates climbing and individuals like the one described going unchecked, it’s time for serious questions to be asked about the effectiveness of sanctuary city policies and the Biden administration’s approach to immigration. Every American citizen deserves to feel safe in their own home, a right that should be upheld above all else.

Written by Staff Reports

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