
Rogan & Green Beret Slam Hamas, Biden Border Chaos, US Terror Threat!

In a recent episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Green Beret Tim Kennedy joined Joe Rogan to talk about a variety of topics, such as the horrible crimes done by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians and the situation at the border under President Biden. To start the talk, Kennedy made up a question: what would Israel do if everyone in Gaza stopped attacking? Kennedy gave an answer to his own question by saying that Israel has always attacked terrorist groups back, and that there would be peace if Hamas put down their guns. Israel would be killed if they did the same thing, though. Kennedy's words show how things really are and disprove the idea that Hamas is a group of freedom warriors. Still, the American left keeps criticizing Israel and doesn't seem to care about what Hamas really is.

Kennedy also said that a terrorist attack on U.S. land was a possibility. It was brought up that attackers were able to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time in Israel recently. He stressed how important it was to deal with the problem at the border and the fact that radicalized people and possible terrorists are crossing into the US. Kennedy said that this situation should be scary and could make this year a "real bad year." But Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas could not be reached for comment.

At the end, the piece asks important questions of those on the left who criticize Israel and play down the dangers posed by Islamist extremists. Because Iran is one of the biggest backers of Hamas, the fact that its leaders chant "Death to America!" makes us wonder what they really want. It is also reasonable to be worried about the possibility of a big terrorist attack on U.S. soil, given the number of encounters with possible terrorists at the border and the large number of people coming into the country without papers. The author says that this attack might have a bigger effect than 9/11. Overall, the piece shows how important it is to understand what terrorist groups are really like and how strong border security is needed to keep the country safe.


Written by Staff Reports

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