
Rogue Dem Eyes Third-Party Bid, Threatens Biden’s Reign!

Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat with delusions of grandeur, has unabashedly expressed his willingness to throw his hat in the ring for a third-party presidential bid. This outrageous move came about after he pondered the idea of President Joe Biden facing off once again against the esteemed former President Donald Trump. Phillips, a member of the meek and mediocre Democratic Party, declared that under the dire circumstance of Biden being on the brink of losing, he’d be open to entertaining the notion of running as an independent candidate.

It’s quite clear that Phillips has been rubbing elbows with the centrist group No Labels, who are shamelessly toying with the idea of an independent candidate. This dangerous flirtation has raised concerns among Biden’s allies, who fear that such a candidate could siphon off Democratic or independent voters from the beloved president. In fact, Phillips seems to have a cozy relationship with Nancy Jacobson, the group’s chief executive, from his time in the congressional Problem Solvers Caucus, a group that may be more aptly named the Problem Makers Caucus.

In response to criticisms, Phillips pontificated about how the mere suggestion that their candidate would harm Biden is a falsehood. His stunning lack of self-awareness allowed him to boldly assert that if the third-party candidate could siphon votes from Trump, every Democrat in the country should be throwing a gala in celebration. This audacious claim shows just how out of touch Phillips is with reality.

But Phillips’ audacity doesn’t end there. He’s been flitting about in New Hampshire, a state where the courageous Biden has chosen not to appear on the ballot due to some pesky schedule changes from the Democratic National Committee. Instead of accepting the decision with grace, Phillips has exploited Biden’s absence, attempting to mount a challenge against the president by mocking his nonexistence in the Granite State in a tasteless TV ad comparing him to “Bigfoot.”

To add insult to injury, there’s even a group in the state scheming a Biden write-in effort to ensure he still wins. It’s clear that Phillips and his merry band of troublemakers are shamelessly taking advantage of the situation in an attempt to undermine the president.


Written by Staff Reports

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