
Romney Steps Down as Trump Backs Staggs in Utah Race

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah decided he won’t run for re-election and has often disagreed with former President Donald Trump. Romney voted for Trump’s impeachment after the Capitol riot in 2021. Trump endorsed Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs as his pick to replace Romney at the Utah GOP convention.

Former President Trump called Sen. Romney a “Total Loser” in a post on Truth Social, endorsing Staggs as the next Senator from Utah. Trump praised Staggs for his experience as Riverton’s mayor and his dedication to American energy, the military, and the Second Amendment. Trump’s endorsement came just before the Utah GOP convention where Staggs secured around two-thirds of the delegate support. 


Staggs’ win at the convention surprised many due to his low polling numbers before the event. Polls showed Staggs far behind other candidates, like Rep. John Curtis and Brent Hatch. Staggs emphasized his support for securing the border and fighting inflation. Staggs’ success at the convention highlights a divide within Utah’s GOP between moderate and Trump-aligned conservatives.

Sen. Romney has not issued an endorsement in the race to replace him. Romney’s team stated that he appreciates the candidates running but will not get involved in endorsing anyone. The conservative shift towards Trump-endorsed candidates like Staggs reflects a broader trend in the Republican Party.

Written by Staff Reports

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