
Ruffalo Gets Flak for Faking Tech-Savvy Smear on Trump!

Mark Ruffalo, the actor who played Bruce Banner / The Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is either a liar or incredibly ignorant. Recently, he shared images on social media that had already been debunked eight months ago as fake, created by artificial intelligence. It’s hard to imagine any other explanation for his actions.

Ruffalo posted the images on Thursday, even though fact-checker Lead Stories had already debunked them in an article on May 9, 2023. It seems Ruffalo didn’t bother to do a simple Google search to check the authenticity of the images. Perhaps he was too deep in the far-left echo chamber to consider looking for information outside of it.

The images Ruffalo shared were supposedly of Donald Trump posing with young women on a private jet, as well as partying with Jeffrey Epstein. However, Lead Stories found that these images were not authentic and showed signs of being fabricated with an AI program. One image even had Epstein’s legs missing.

One has to wonder if Ruffalo truly believed these images were real, or if he knowingly shared them anyway. Either way, it’s a testament to his lack of critical thinking and judgment. It’s disappointing to see someone in the entertainment industry, where creativity and imagination are prized, fall for such obvious fakes.

In the end, the question remains: Is Ruffalo ignorant or a liar? It’s a bet that no one would want to take, but it’s worth considering. It’s important for all individuals, regardless of their political beliefs, to critically evaluate the information they consume and share. Ruffalo’s actions serve as a reminder of the dangers of blindly accepting and spreading false information.

Written by Staff Reports

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