
Scholar: No Direct Biden Payment Needed for Impeachment – Courts Agree

In a stunning testimony on Thursday, a well-respected law professor from George Washington University, Jonathan Turley, weighed in on the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. While Turley stated that House Republicans may not have found enough evidence for articles of impeachment, he argued that they have demonstrated enough cause to launch the inquiry in the first place. Turley also made a bold statement, claiming that uncovering evidence of a direct bribe to Biden is not necessary for his removal from office.

Turley’s testimony came after a fiery opening by House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY), who presented what they called a mountain of evidence implicating President Biden in wrongdoings. Turley aligned himself with the Republicans, asserting that there is circumstantial evidence, such as false statements, a scheme to peddle influence, and potential benefits to Biden, that warrant further investigation.

During the hearing, Representative Jordan asked Turley if the alleged enrichment of Biden’s family could be considered a benefit to the President himself. Turley replied in the affirmative, stating that even in criminal cases related to bribery and corruption, money being funneled to family members is considered a benefit. Turley criticized the notion that millions of dollars going to a politician’s family should not be seen as a benefit.

These revelations come after months of diligent work by House Republicans, led by Jordan and Comer, who have uncovered a trove of bank documents. These documents outline how Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and others used shell companies to channel millions of dollars to the Biden family. Archer, in his testimony, claimed that then-Vice President Biden was involved in numerous meetings with foreign agents linked to Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. Republicans argue that Biden used his position to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor investigating Burisma, while rewarding his son with a highly lucrative contract.

President Biden has repeatedly denied these allegations, and the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has dismissed questions from reporters seeking clarification on changing statements from the administration. In fact, the White House has gone so far as to send a memo to mainstream media outlets, urging them to debunk what they view as false claims from the president’s critics.

In light of Turley’s testimony and the mounting evidence presented by House Republicans, it is clear that there are legitimate concerns surrounding President Biden’s actions. The impeachment inquiry is a crucial step in holding our leaders accountable, and it is imperative that the truth be uncovered. The American people deserve leaders who operate ethically and within the confines of the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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