
Scholastic Pushes LGBTQ Agenda on Kids with Controversial Read with Pride Campaign

In the latest school indoctrination saga, a major textbook publisher, Scholastic, has rolled out its “Read with Pride” campaign, aimed at flooding teachers with “LGBTQIA+ stories for kids and teens.” This push is just another example of the left’s persistent efforts to push their agenda onto innocent young minds. It’s quite concerning how the education industry seems intent on overriding the wishes of parents and school districts when it comes to shaping the beliefs and values of children.

According to Scholastic, they argue that 10% of American teens identify as LGBTQ, and they are determined to ensure these voices are heard. Additionally, they claim that over half of LGBTQ individuals are “people of color,” with a significant portion identifying beyond the traditional gender norms. This aggressive promotion of LGBTQ content only serves to sow confusion and disrupt the traditional family values that many parents hold dear.

The “Pride Guide” provided by Scholastic includes a plethora of terms and concepts that may leave many scratching their heads. From complex terms like “allocishet” to culturally specific terms like “Two-Spirit” for Native Americans, the guide aims to redefine societal norms and push a progressive worldview onto impressionable young students. This attempt to reshape children’s understanding of gender and sexuality is not only inappropriate but also goes against the beliefs of many families who value traditional morals.

The selection of LGBTQ literature recommended by Scholastic ranges from books for kindergarteners all the way up to teenagers, with some labeled as “graphic.” The content of these books is raising eyebrows and concerns among parents who feel that such explicit material has no place in school libraries. The pushback from communities against this type of content is significant, but Scholastic seems determined to bypass any objections and ensure these books reach the hands of children, regardless of parental concerns.

Scholastic’s president, Ellie Berger, has been transparent about the company’s intentions, stating that they will find alternative ways to distribute these books and promote their agenda. The company unabashedly asserts that teaching itself is political and meant to instill a specific ideology in students, undermining the role of parents in guiding their children’s education. This blatant overreach into the realm of family values and beliefs is a dangerous precedent that could ultimately erode parental rights and traditional values in our education system.

In conclusion, the “Pride Guide” issued by Scholastic is not just about promoting diversity and inclusion but rather about imposing a particular ideological agenda on young impressionable minds. Parents and communities must remain vigilant in protecting their children from inappropriate and politically motivated materials that seek to undermine their core values. The education industry’s disregard for parental concerns and push for radical social change in curriculum only underscores the need for alternative education options that respect traditional family values and prioritize academic excellence over political indoctrination.

Written by Staff Reports

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