
Schweizer Drops Political Nuke with “Blood Money” Exposé on China Mayhem

Breitbart Senior Contributor and President of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, is set to release his latest bombshell book, “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.” This page-turner is jam-packed with 939 endnotes totaling 89 pages, leaked documents from the FBI, DHS, and DOJ, as well as restricted Chinese military documents and reports, leaked Mexican internal communications, and internal communications from US officials. Talk about a treasure trove of evidence!

Reports are swirling that the book has Capitol Hill buzzing with senators, members of Congress, and their staffers privately discussing the earth-shattering national security implications it holds. Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz even took to Twitter to declare, “I have read the book. This will rock Washington D.C.” If that’s not enough, he also emphasized that the book’s “shocking revelations” are backed up by solid source materials.

And if you need more convincing about Schweizer’s credibility, let’s not forget that he is a seven-time New York Times bestselling investigative journalist. His past works have sparked FBI investigations, forced members of Congress to resign, and even helped push through bipartisan anti-corruption laws. The guy is like a literary superhero fighting for truth and justice!

In his upcoming book, “Blood Money,” Schweizer is set to expose China’s sinister “Disintegration Warfare” plans, designed to bring death and chaos to Americans. And if that’s not enough, he and his team of super sleuths reportedly spent a whopping two years tracking the pattern of money flowing between the US and China. Can we get a round of applause for their dedication and determination?

Oh, and did we mention the star-studded cover of the book? Featuring the likes of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Adam Schiff, President Joe Biden, Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this book is sure to make waves across ideological lines. Throw in some images of drugs, guns, and fat stacks of cash, and you’ve got yourself one heck of a scandalous cover!

For those eager to dive into this explosive material, “Blood Money” clocks in at a whopping 320 pages and is already available for pre-order. Mark your calendars for February 27th, when this game-changing book hits the shelves and shakes up the political landscape. This is one book you won’t want to miss, so get ready for a rollercoaster of revelations and jaw-dropping information!

Written by Staff Reports

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