
Supreme Court May Curb Biden’s Climate Power Grab

In a shocking twist of events, President Joe Biden may be stripped of a significant amount of power when it comes to crucial decisions on pollution, climate change, and other important topics. Who’s taking the reins now, you ask? None other than the Supreme Court, folks!

The upcoming meeting at the Supreme Court will revolve around the infamous Chevron deference, an administrative law that allows federal agencies to interpret rules and regulations as they see fit. For years, conservatives have been skeptical of this deference, and rightly so! It’s about time someone takes a stand against this overreach of power.

Hold your horses, though, because not everyone is thrilled about this potential shift in power. Enter the Democrats, who seem to believe that the Chevron deference is some sort of gift to humanity. David Doniger of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a statement arguing that this move is an attempt to weaken the government’s ability to protect us from all the modern dangers out there. Seriously, David? Modern dangers? We’re talking about air, water, drugs, and food, for Pete’s sake! Can’t the government protect us without stepping all over our freedoms?

Sure, Doniger may have some persuasive words, but let’s not forget that we need experts making these decisions. Andrew Mergen from Harvard Law School’s Emmet Environmental Law and Policy Clinic hit the nail on the head when he argued that we should rely on the expertise of those within the government who know what they’re doing. After all, who else can decide if our food is safe, how to limit pollution from power plants, and how to keep our airplanes and automobiles safe? Certainly not some judge who’s never even flown an airplane! I mean, come on, Mergen! That’s like asking a fish to climb a tree!

If anything, this whole situation calls for accountability. It’s high time we hold Joe Biden and his administration responsible for the policies they’ve been hiding behind, using laws like the Chevron deference to wield their power. We need a system that allows unbiased and knowledgeable experts to guide our nation, not an unchecked government that tramples over our rights and freedoms.

So, kudos to the Supreme Court for stepping up to the plate and potentially reining in Biden’s power. It’s time to review these hidden laws and ensure that the decisions made in this country prioritize the well-being of every American, both now and for generations to come. We deserve nothing less than a government that respects our rights and relies on expert insight, not one that hides behind convoluted administrative laws.

Written by Staff Reports

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