
Supreme Victory: Trump Triumphs, Secures Ballot Spot!

The Supreme Court completely shut down the Colorado Supreme Court’s attempt to keep former President Donald Trump off the state primary ballot. Can you believe it? This came right before the big, huge primary election of the 2024 cycle, and boy, was it a nail-biter!

Those Colorado Supremes were all like, “Sorry, Trump, you’re outta here!” But the Supreme Court stepped in and said, “Hold on just a gosh-darn minute! It’s not the state’s job to keep federal officeholders off the ballot. That’s Congress’s job!” And they reversed that Colorado decision faster than you can say “Super Tuesday.”


Now, let’s talk about that 14th Amendment and Section 3. A bunch of voters in Colorado were all like, “Hey, Section 3 says no one who engaged in insurrection can be on the ballot, and Trump totally did that on Jan. 6, 2021!” They pointed to when Trump told his supporters to “fight like heck” and called on Vice President Mike Pence to “do the right thing.” But the Supreme Court was like, “Nah, that’s not gonna fly. Congress is the boss of Section 3, not the states.”

And wow, the Justices were really feeling the heat during those oral arguments. Chief Justice Roberts was all, “If we let Colorado do this, it’s gonna mess up the whole shebang! It’ll be chaos, I tell ya!”

But wait, there’s more! Maine tried to pull the same stunt as Colorado, but Trump said, “Not today, Maine!” And then, Illinois wanted to join in on the fun, but they got shut down too. It was like a game of Whack-a-Mole, with Trump smacking down every attempt to keep him off the ballot.

Now, let’s talk about Trump’s competition. It’s basically just him and Nikki Haley, and let’s be real, Trump’s the top dog. He’s facing some criminal charges, but he’s calling it a “witch hunt,” and you know what? He’s right! The guy’s got trials coming out the wazoo, but he’s pleading not guilty to every single charge, and he’s not backing down.

The Supreme Court even has to decide if he’s immune from prosecution, and they’re gonna tackle that beast in April. So, all those trials might get pushed back even further. Trump’s facing a trial in D.C. and another in New York, but he’s standing tall and saying, “Bring it on!”

So, there you have it, folks! The Supreme Court said, “Yes, Trump can be on those ballots!” And boy, are things heating up in the 2024 election. Get your popcorn ready, because this is gonna be one wild ride!

Written by Staff Reports

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