
Tequila-Totting Texan Takes Down Anti-DUI Sign, Shows Zero Remorse!

A Texas woman, Clarissa Hernandez, 27, had a wild night in California when she crashed into a snazzy electric sign warning against drunk driving. The sign, strategically placed in Palm Springs, read, “Don’t Drink & Drive,” a message that apparently didn’t resonate with Hernandez, who had gulped down a whole pint of tequila before hopping into her Land Rover. She careened into the sign in the wee hours of August 11, narrowly missing a gaggle of pedestrians leaving a nearby theater. Thank goodness for small miracles, right?

But wait, there’s more! Our protagonist was so inebriated that she could barely keep her eyes open, her speech was so slurred you’d think she was speaking another language, and she was swaying like a palm tree in a hurricane. Classic signs of a memorable night out, huh? The police officers stationed nearby didn’t miss a beat and promptly arrested Hernandez. They found her trying to shuffle away from her smashed-up car, using the toppled sign as a personal support beam. You’ve got to admire her creativity, if nothing else.

Now, here’s the kicker—instead of showing an ounce of remorse for her antics, Hernandez decided to showcase her fiery personality. She was “angry, argumentative and hostile,” according to the police report. And get this—she even took a swing at an officer who had the audacity to try and stop her from making a run for it! That’s one way to make an impression, folks.

But fear not, justice has been served! Hernandez pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and gracefully accepted three years of probation as her punishment. A happy ending to a chaotic tale, wouldn’t you say? Let’s hope she’s learned her lesson, folks. And please, remember to drink responsibly—unlike our friend Clarissa here!

Written by Staff Reports

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