
Terror at the Border: Ramaswamy Warns of Imminent Attack Threat

Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has once again emphasized the urgent need to secure the southern border, issuing a stark warning about the potential for a terrorist attack like the one Israel experienced last year to occur in the United States. Ramaswamy, who recently put his presidential campaign on hold and threw his support behind former President Donald Trump, labeled the ongoing influx of migrants at the U.S. border as the nation’s most significant threat. This declaration from the former candidate comes in the wake of Border Patrol apprehending over 172 known or suspected terrorists who unlawfully entered the U.S. in the 12 months leading up to October, the same month when Israel faced an attack from the Hamas terrorist group.

During an appearance on Fox News’s Hannity, Ramaswamy didn’t mince words, cautioning that if such a calamity could befall Israel, it could just as easily happen on American soil. He expressed his resolute belief that this issue should transcend party lines, asserting that it is not a matter of partisan politics, but rather a concern for the safety and security of the entire nation.

In addition to addressing the border crisis, Ramaswamy took aim at the notion that new legislation is required to enforce border security, emphasizing that the existing Remain in Mexico policy already serves as a legal framework for this purpose. Nonetheless, he called attention to the failure of President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to enforce this law, raising concerns about their commitment to upholding national security.

Furthermore, the former presidential hopeful delved into the dynamics of the upcoming presidential election, speculating that the Democratic Party is gearing up to replace Biden with an alternative candidate. He suggested that this move is being orchestrated to thwart former President Trump’s potential candidacy in 2024, as he believes Trump would likely emerge victorious in a rematch against Biden.

Ramaswamy’s remarks come as the House of Representatives narrowly approved a motion for Mayorkas’s impeachment, setting the stage for the issue to be taken up by the Senate, where the Democratic Party holds a slim majority. This development underscores the growing discontent and scrutiny directed at the current administration’s handling of immigration and national security matters.

Written by Staff Reports

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