
Texas Governor Cracks Down on Anti-Israel Campus Protests

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has promised to take strong action against anti-Israel protests on college campuses in the state. Inspired by protests at Columbia University, pro-Hamas demonstrators faced off with the Texas Department of Safety at the University of Texas at Austin. The governor has vowed to arrest every individual engaging in anti-Semitic activities on campus until the crowd disperses.

The Texas Department of Safety has been actively involved in dispersing the crowd and arresting those engaging in criminal activities, including trespassing. Governor Abbott and law enforcement agencies are committed to maintaining peace and preventing unlawful assembly on public college and university campuses in Texas. Unlike other jurisdictions, the Texas DPS has taken a proactive approach to ensure the safety and security of the people and property of Texas.

The Palestine Solidarity Committee at UT Austin was warned that the protest was unauthorized and that they would face consequences if they proceeded with the event. Despite the warning, hundreds of protestors flooded the campus, leading to the arrest of at least 20 individuals by the Texas DPS. Video footage shows protestors pushing back at authorities and shouting anti-law enforcement slogans.

Democratic Representative Gina Hinojosa criticized the arrests, questioning whether there was an actual threat of violence. However, Governor Abbott and the Texas DPS remain steadfast in their commitment to preventing anti-Semitic activities and maintaining peace on college campuses in Texas.

Written by Staff Reports

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