
The View Hosts Blame White Men and Guns for Attempted Trump Assassination, Ignore Key Facts

The ladies of “The View” have once again proven just how out of touch they are with reality, this time in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Ana Navarro, in a baffling display of mental gymnastics, decided to blame white men’s access to guns as the root cause of the violence. Because clearly, it couldn’t possibly be the result of a deranged individual’s actions, right? No, according to Navarro, it’s the fault of white men with guns, conveniently ignoring other potential contributing factors like medication or political indoctrination.

Not to be outdone in the race for the most absurd hot take, Joy Behar chimed in, expressing shock that the shooter was able to purchase ammunition so easily. Perhaps Behar should spend less time on TV and more time educating herself on Ohio’s laws regarding ammunition purchases and open carry. But that would require actual research and critical thinking skills, things sorely lacking on the set of “The View.”

While MSNBC decided to cancel “Morning Joe” to avoid making more outrageous Trump comparisons, the ladies of “The View” had no qualms continuing their nonsensical chatter. It’s no surprise that their constant demonization of Trump and white men, along with their race-baiting rhetoric, only serves to further divide the country. But hey, who needs unity when you can just blame everything on racism and white supremacy, right?

Despite their best efforts, the bullet that was intended to stop Trump failed, much to the dismay of the harpies at “The View.” Their misguided attempts to sway public opinion will only backfire, as more and more Americans see through their divisive tactics and opt to support Trump in the upcoming election. After all, nothing unites conservatives quite like a group of out-of-touch liberal talking heads spewing baseless accusations and nonsense on national television.

Written by Staff Reports

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