
Trump Jr. Crushes Haley’s Bid, Exposes GOP’s Desperate Anti-Trump Plot

Donald Trump Jr. didn’t hold back in his assessment of the recent debate, making it clear that entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy had put the kibosh on former Gov. Nikki Haley’s (R-SC) “political career.” Trump Jr. wasted no time in pointing out that Haley is just the Republican establishment’s “last hope” alternative to his father, former President Donald Trump.

During his 30-minute chat with guest host Alex Marlow, Trump Jr. didn’t mince his words, calling out Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and making it crystal clear that he wasn’t impressed with anyone on the debate stage except for Ramaswamy. According to Trump Jr., DeSantis simply doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to connecting with the people and understanding what they want.

But the real bombshell came when he discussed how Haley is being propped up by the Republican establishment as a counterbalance to his father. Trump Jr. lifted the veil on the motivations of the establishment, pointing out their desire to maintain control and thwart his father’s achievements. He didn’t hold back when talking about the establishment donors who have shifted their support to Haley, revealing their fear of losing their influence and the lengths they’re willing to go to stop his father’s momentum.

And if all of that wasn’t enough, Trump Jr. dropped a bombshell about billionaire mega-donor Reid Hoffman, who, as reported by the New York Times, donated a hefty sum to the pro-Haley PAC Stand for America Fund. The donation was made with the sole purpose of halting Trump’s progress, showcasing the lengths to which the establishment will go to thwart his father’s leadership. Additionally, Haley received an endorsement from Americans for Prosperity Action, a group linked to the establishment conservative mega-donor Charles Koch and his late brother David. The group has announced plans to funnel millions into the primary to stymie Trump.

It’s clear that the establishment is in panic mode, scrambling to find an alternative to President Trump. The lengths to which they’re willing to go to prop up Haley and derail his father’s successes are astounding. But one thing’s for sure: with individuals like Trump Jr. speaking out and shedding light on the shady dealings of the establishment, the American people won’t be fooled. And the Trump train keeps on chugging along, leaving the establishment in a cloud of dust.

Written by Staff Reports

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