
Trump Pitches In—Serves Lunch to Texas Border Agents Before Big Speech!

Former President Donald Trump made a dramatic return to the US-Mexico border on Sunday, where he served up some delicious lunch to border agents and discussed his potential immigration plans. The frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination was in Edinburg, Texas to address his plan to secure the border and roll out new operations. But before taking the stage, Trump decided to show off his culinary skills by handing out tacos to Texas National Guard soldiers, troopers, and other hardworking individuals stationed at the border ahead of Thanksgiving.

Joining the 45th president in his lunchtime escapade was Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, a staunch supporter of Trump and his border security stance. Together, they distributed tacos, shook hands, and struck poses for the cameras with the agents. Later, both leaders will address a crowd of around 150 supporters outside an airport hangar in the town. According to reports, someone close to Trump revealed that Abbott is planning to endorse the former president for the 2024 Republican nomination – a significant show of support.

Abbott has been actively speaking out about the border crisis that the United States is currently facing. Just last month, the Republican-led Texas House of Representatives passed a major immigration bill, allowing state law enforcement officers to remove illegal immigrants to Mexico. It’s a bold move in response to the skyrocketing numbers of migrants crossing the southern border since President Biden took office. In October alone, there were 240,988 migrant encounters recorded by federal authorities, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data. September saw a staggering 269,735 encounters, making it the highest month on record.

With Trump and Abbott teaming up and making headlines, it’s clear that immigration will continue to be a key issue in the upcoming elections. Whether you’re a fan of Trump’s lunch-serving antics or not, it’s impossible to ignore his presence and the impact he continues to have on conservative politics. So, let’s hope those border agents enjoyed their tacos and are fueled up for the fight ahead!

Written by Staff Reports

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