
Trump Poll Numbers Soar as Harris Struggles with Favorability Ratings

In a development that likely has Kamala Harris’ campaign team sweating bullets, a recent Gallup poll has delivered a resounding message that might as well be written in neon lights: Donald Trump is significantly more popular than the Vice President. The numbers suggest that if Harris were to lay eyes on these results, she’d probably launch a tirade aimed at whoever delivered the news—her staff are likely keeping their heads down and avoiding eye contact.

The poll indicates that while 46 percent of respondents view Trump favorably, a staggering 53 percent hold an unfavorable opinion of him. This increase of five points in his favorability since August marks a clear upward trend, suggesting a bounce not seen in previous election cycles. On the contrary, Kamala Harris’ numbers paint a grim picture. With just 44 percent of people expressing a favorable view of her, the 54 percent unfavorable rating is even worse—she’s dropped three points in favorability, while her unfavorability has spiked by five.

What’s particularly entertaining is the apparent inability of Harris to capitalize on any potential advantages. Rather than benefiting from the debates, it seems Trump has managed to snag a bounce, while she sinks deeper into disfavor. The poll results indicate that when independents weigh in, the disparity becomes even more glaring. Trump holds a nine-point lead with this crucial demographic, clearly resonating more with them than Harris, who is floundering at a mere 35 percent favorability compared to a hefty 60 percent unfavorability.

If these numbers persist leading up to the election, Harris could face a monumental challenge. This scenario eerily mirrors her previous experience during the 2020 primaries, where her visibility only resulted in more voters turning away from her. With her political messaging often appearing foggy and inconsistent, many are left questioning her credibility and what she might really stand for if elected.

Adding to her woes is the continued downward spiral of President Biden’s approval ratings, which are sitting at a dismal 39 percent overall and an even worse 31 percent among independents. As Harris is deeply entwined with Biden’s policies and leadership, it’s clear she can’t hide from this association forever. Voters don’t seem to be buying the Democratic playbook that depicts Trump as a modern-day dictator, which may be all they have left to offer in the face of these unflattering stats.

In the political arena, it appears that Harris is sinking while Trump is swimming. The outcomes from this Gallup poll could serve as a wake-up call—or perhaps a death knell—for her ambitions. It remains to be seen how she will respond, but history suggests that she has little time to pivot before Election Day arrives.

Written by Staff Reports

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