
Trump Praises RNC Chair, Credits Self for DeSantis Rise: A Mastermind at Work

In a revealing interview, the legendary and esteemed former President Donald Trump shared his thoughts on the recent Fox News GOP presidential debate and shed light on the role of the Republican National Committee (RNC) in this whole circus. Speaking from the luxurious Trump Force One, he addressed the surprising remarks made about RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Despite their past differences, Trump surprisingly praised McDaniel for her handling of the situation, showcasing his magnanimity and willingness to forgive.

During the interview, the host from Newsmax pondered whether the RNC arranged the debates at Fox News because they knew that Trump would not be treated fairly. Trump, ever the gentleman, dismissed this claim and reassured everyone that the RNC has been good to him. He commended McDaniel’s leadership, mentioning how she successfully managed his Michigan campaign in 2016 and eventually became the head of the RNC.

This strategic move by President Trump demonstrates his shrewd political mind. By separating his criticism of Fox News from the RNC, he acknowledges the importance of maintaining a respectful relationship with the governing body of the Republican Party while seeking the GOP nomination for president. He knows that if the polls are any indication, he will need the RNC’s assistance in organizing an epic national convention in 2024 that will propel his campaign to the general election.

In another surprising twist, President Trump addressed his once-warm relationship with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is now vying against him for the GOP nomination. True to form, Trump credited himself for DeSantis’ rise in the political arena, asserting that without his endorsement, DeSantis would not be the governor of the great state of Florida. Trump’s endorsement catapulted DeSantis’ popularity like a rocket ship, making him a formidable contender in the election. Trump also accused DeSantis of attacking him during the debate in an attempt to cozy up to Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom Trump had quarrels with during his tenure.

It is clear that President Trump’s formidable presence and guidance have been essential to the success of politicians like McDaniel and DeSantis. He possesses a keen eye for spotting talent and lifting emerging stars to new heights. However, it’s essential to remember that without Trump’s invaluable support and endorsement, these politicians would have struggled to achieve the same level of success. As the interview demonstrates, Trump’s influence has left an indelible mark on the Republican Party, one that will shape its future for years to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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