In a recent interview with Univision, former President Donald Trump gave hints that if he were to win again, he might use the government to look into his political opponents, similar to what Vice President Joe Biden did in the Justice Department. The former president said that he would "certainly" use the same strategies against his opponents if they kept doing what they were doing. He called the charges against him "pathetic" and said that the Biden administration was using the FBI and the Department of Justice as weapons.
He said that the acts of the Biden administration were like letting the cat out of the bag. He said that the charges against him were meant to change the outcome of an election and that they had been "helpful from the standpoint of getting elected." Mr. Trump was charged with both federal and state crimes, but he pleaded not guilty to all of them, calling them "political persecution and a political hoax."
Despite being charged, the former president was proud of his rising popularity, saying, "I'm probably the only guy ever indicted whose poll numbers have shot up through the roof." Polls do show that Mr. Trump is far ahead of the other Republican candidates, even beating out Vice President Biden in some key states.
It's clear that Donald Trump isn't going back on his claims of political targeting. In fact, he's doubling down on the idea that he would use the government against his opponents if he had the chance. He is determined to fight back against what he sees as unfair treatment, as shown by his hostile behavior and failure to accept the charges against him as true. His support is growing in the polls, which suggests that his message is hitting home with a big part of the American people. This could lead to a very contentious political future.