
Eric Trump Slams AG James: Hardworking Employees Targeted!

In a fiery interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Eric Trump didn’t hold back his criticism of New York Attorney General Letitia James and her politically motivated lawsuit against the Trump empire. Eric warned that the thousands of employees who rely on Trump properties for their livelihoods are now at risk because of James’s actions. “These are maids, housekeepers, engineers, drivers, bellmen,” Eric passionately exclaimed. “They depend on our families and our properties to put food on their tables every single night. Letitia James is playing games with their lives.”

Eric Trump didn’t mince words when he accused James and her cohorts of being “cruel, cruel people” who would stop at nothing for their political power. He vowed that both he and his father will continue to fight this unjust lawsuit because it is unthinkable and makes no sense. And he’s absolutely right. It’s clear that James’s biased actions are driven solely by her desire to take down the Trump family, regardless of the consequences for hardworking American families.

President Trump himself even took the stand in this trial, defending his involvement in the creation of financial documents that James claims were misleading. Unfortunately, the trial is being overseen by Judge Arthur Engoron, a known nemesis of the former president. Engoron, who seems more interested in grandstanding for the cameras than upholding justice, has a bizarre habit of taking shirtless bathroom selfies. It’s no wonder President Trump has faced repeated fines from this biased judge, who denied him the opportunity to read a financial disclaimer that could have cleared his name.

Engoron and James are just two more characters in the never-ending play that is the Trump family’s persecution by the Deep State. But President Trump has turned these legal battles into a rallying cry against the unfair prosecution orchestrated by President Biden and his Democratic allies. Polls and fundraising numbers prove that the American people are seeing through this blatant partisan attack and are standing with President Trump in his fight against injustice.

Letitia James’s lawsuit isn’t just about targeting the Trump family; it’s also a direct attack on the hardworking employees who rely on these properties for their livelihoods. It’s time for the American people to see through the political agendas and support those who are fighting for their jobs and their future. The Trumps will prevail in the end, and justice will be served.

Written by Staff Reports

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